Aptus Micromix Drip – Soil Conditioner
During the production process of growing substrates all microlife is destroyed/sterilized so that no harmful elements remain. The problem with this approach is that also the beneficial elements are destroyed. This makes the substrate more susceptible to pests and diseases.
It is important to have a rich beneficial microlife in the substrate to prevent problems and to optimize growing conditions. Adding Micromix creates a rich beneficial soil life that offers optimal growing conditions in the substrate.
Why use Micromix?
Protects the root system from harmful fungi and bacteria
Stimulates rooting and growth processes
100% organic
Always try to allow your feed water to come up to temperature before irrigating plants, also leaving tap water to stand allows chlorine to dissapate.
Chlorine will damage the beneficial bacteria and mychorrizae that we are trying to promote, if leaving water to stand is inconvenient, then use Ecothrive Neutralise to treat feed water before use.
Click here for more on the benefits of Ecothrive Neutralise.
- Protects roots
- Stimulates growth
- Promotes healthy plants
- Increase nutrient uptake
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