Four Perfect Seasons

Adjust-A-Wing Defender Medium White


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Adjust-A-Wing Defender


The Defender Reflector is an industrial
strength model. The surface of the reflector is a ‘titanium
white’ heat resistant powder coat that produces a very
diffuse and even spread light foot print. It maintains a
reflective quality of 92%.


The base metal is H18 aluminium alloy (3% magnesium)
which is strong, yet springy, giving the reflector
consistently perfect parabolic curves with even the
roughest of handling – perfect for the grower with an ever
changing grow room environment.


Medium Defender at widest Setting 70cm x 55cm
(27.5” x 21.5”) Perfect for a 250, 400 or 600 watt lamp


  • Double parabolic lighting reflector
  • Corrosion resistant
  • 92% reflective
  • Sturdy reflector with perfect shape


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