Four Perfect Seasons

EasyFeed 10 Litre Systems with FlexiTank


Alien Easy Feed Systems – Self Watering 10 Litre Pots – FlexiTank Water Butt
EasyFeed has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the soil/coco grower. This system does not require electricity or water pumps. It is simply gravity fed from any water butt or tank.
EasyFeed uses 13mm(internal) feed pipe instead of the conventional 4mm pipe, so clogging is a thing of the past.
The Battery Operated Water Timer allows you to control the watering frequency. Choose from hourly, daily, every two or three days or even once a week watering options. Your even, consistent feeding schedule allows the substrate to partially dry between watering cycles, this combined with our breathable fabric pots drastically increases oxygen to the root zone.
The fabric pots are made of a high quality breathable fabric which allows air pruning of the roots. When a root is air pruned, it stimulates secondary roots to branch out therefore increasing root mass


The EasyFeed system suits the needs of any grower, whether you require a 4 pot system, 100 pots or more! The EasyFeed system is designed to grow with you as you can add extra pots to your system simply and easily. The EasyFeed system gives you the versatility of choosing the layout of your system.

We leave the pipe uncut to allow you any configuration you may require.
FlexiTank water butts fold down to a compact size for easy transport.

Bottom Feeding
This method of feeding will give you a good indication as to how much water your plants need. Water is absorbed via the substrate and upwards towards the roots. The roots absorb water through the process of osmosis and try to reach equilibrium between the water content outside of and inside of the root. Once the roots have found their correct equilibrium water absorption will then slow down.


Feeding from the bottom encourages your roots to grow downwards in search of more water, promoting healthy root growth.

Although you can use soil or coco in this system, we recommend using a quality 60/40 mix (60% clay pebbles/ 40% coco) such as Gold Label 60/40 or Ecothrive Coco Clay for optimum yields.
Also to avoid water logged media, put a layer of Clay Pebbles in the bottom of the pot to cover the water.
As the 10 and 16 litre systems use the same base tray, you can change between these pot sizes.


  • Automatic Feeding System
  • For use with Coco or Soil
  • Gravity fed – No Pumps
  • 13mm bore pipe – No blocking
  • FlexiTank Water Butt


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